Namibia is the top destinition for astronomers and star gazers. Due to the low population density, the very low air pollution and the non-existing light pollution the country offers ideal conditions to explore the southernContinue reading
Category: Observing report
Evening Venus at dawn, Jupiter with GRS-passage
Since march 2018 I noticed the bright shining planet Venus in the western evening sky. A photo from Christian encouraged me to observe Venus shortly after sun set. I also realised that seeing conditions wereContinue reading
Atmospheric phenomena
Atmospheric phenomena are optical phenomena arising from the optical properties of the Earth’s atmosphere. Christian were able to take photos of three different types of atmospheric phenomena: a sun pillar at sunset, a 22° sunContinue reading
Deep Sky observing in the Austrian Alps, 25 August 2017
Deep sky observing on a 1700 meters high mountain without being disturbed from direct street lamp stray light and ground fog. A team of 4 amateur astronomers enjoyed views of the summer milky way andContinue reading
Hunting for lightning, summer 2017
Christian could photograph some spectacular lightnis during the numerous thunderstorms the contrary 2017 summer using his Olympus E-M10 Mak II and 7 mm lens f/8 with Live-Composite. Photos of two nights: 14 July 2017 andContinue reading
Sun in white light, 17 August 2017
During my holiday I got a visit from Viktor. We decided to observe the sun and some “daylight” planets. Sunspot area 12671 was prominent. We ended our observation by locating Venus at daylight. continue readingContinue reading
Observing log of 17 July 2017: NLC observing
Viktor and Jürgen observed noctilucent clouds at the North-Western dawn sky. At the oberservation time, the sun was about 8 degrees below horizon. The noctilucent clouds were shining in a bluish colour. Noctilucent clouds areContinue reading
New observing report with images: Polaris startrails and the windpark
Christian has a new toy, the Olympus E-M10 system camera. In the Zagersdorf wind park area he produced a nice widefield polaris startrail image. And poor Viktor had to perform as guinea pig for testingContinue reading
Crescent moon, Saturn, Venus at dawn
The young crescent moon, Venus, Saturn and Sabik, η Oph formed a perfect square.