At the beginning of April 2020, Venus as the brightest planet, wanders through the bright open star cluster Pleiades, also known as Messier 45 in Taurus. Christian was able to take images of this constellation.
Category: Open cluster
Christians march 2020 observing
Christian has been very active in March 2020 and was able to extensively test his camera equipment over several days. A sun halo, Venus with the Plejades and the Starlink satellites were photographed.
Deep sky image: IC 1805, the heart nebula in Hα :
IC 1805 is a huge emission nebula in emission nebulae in Cassiopeia. The exposure time was about 4 hours using a Takahashi FSQ106ED refractor @ f/5 and an ATIK 383L+.
Deep sky image: IC 1848, the Soul Nebula in Hα
IC 1848 is a huge emission nebula in emission nebulae in Cassiopeia. Several small open clusters are embedded in the nebula: CR 34, 632, and 634 (in the head) and IC1848 (in the body).Continue reading
Deep sky image of Nov 2013: Messier 45, the Pleiades in Taurus
The Pleiades or Seven Sisters (Messier 45) is an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus. The cluster is dominated by hot blue and extremely luminous stars that have formed within the last 100 millionContinue reading