A month after our last planetary observing session we tried it once more. Once again the conditions were ugly.
Category: Observing report
Mars and Saturn, 23 June 2016
A month after our last planetary observing session we tried it once more. Once again the conditions were ugly.
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, 25 May 2016
Together with Robert Schulz we were able to take images of three planets in one night – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Unfortunately the conditions were extremely bad.
Mercury transit, 9 May 2016
On 9 May 2016 Mercury transited the Sun for the first time since 2006. The transit or passage of an inner planet across the face of the Sun is a relatively rare occurrence. The nextContinue reading
Spring Deep Sky observing in Bootes and Hercules, 29 April 2016
Viktor observed objects of the winter and spring starry sky. NGC 4361, NGC 5466, M 3, M 13, NGC 6207, NGC 4490 and Jupiter. Good conditions with excellent sky transparency and steady seeing.
Sunset in Sahara dust, 5 April 2016
Air pollution was high in Eastern Austria and Europe as a flow of air brought Saharan dust from north Africa resulting in yellowish hazy sky near sunset.
Deep Sky observing in Eridanus and Taurus, 2 December 2015
Viktor observed the planetary nebula NGC 1535 in Eridanus. The nebula was discovered by William Herschel on February 1, 1785. Viktor used his small Televue Ranger refractor and had a look on Messier 1, theContinue reading
Winter Deep Sky observing, 18 November 2015
Viktor observed objects of the autumn and winter starry sky. M 1, NGC 1514, NGC 457, Christmas tree cluster were this targets using his small Televue Ranger refractor.
Deep Sky observing of planetary nebulae, 16 November 2015
In Viktors observatory we had an observing session of the autumn starry sky. Some planetary nebulae such as NGC 7094, NGC 1514, M 76 as well as galaxies and globular clusters were observed.